Orchid Rescue Update: The Circle of Life

Orchid Rescue Update: The Circle of Life

So, my rescue of the mini phal was short lived. It enjoyed, what I imagine, a good life with my other orchids once it came home from the grocery store.
Infrastructures to Support Your Choice to Feel Good about Yourself

Infrastructures to Support Your Choice to Feel Good about Yourself

"I choose to feel good about myself each day. Every morning I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good. This is a new habit for me to cultivate."
The Art of Easy Cheesemaking: Curds and Whey

The Art of Easy Cheesemaking: Curds and Whey

The start of cheesemaking for the New Year. With history of cheesemaking in our household for both families, it seems to be the only thing to do....
When do you pack up Christmas decorations?

When do you pack up Christmas decorations?

Another sign that we are in the heart of January, time to organize and put away the holiday decorations.
Still a Thrill

Still a Thrill

Yesterday, I received a call from Thea, one of my art mentors. A relief print that I had in a local artist show sold, twice. Inadvertently the same print....
Webmaster .0000001

Webmaster .0000001

I am quickly learning that there is a group of extremely talented individuals called web designers that make the internet look fabulous. The other term....
A Hearty Welcome

A Hearty Welcome

As my life as changed so has my art.  In redesigning a new website, I’ve been able to examine the body of artwork I call a portfolio. . .the good, the bad....