Orchid Rescue Update: The Circle of Life

Orchid Rescue Update: The Circle of Life

So, my rescue of the mini phal was short lived. It enjoyed, what I imagine, a good life with my other orchids once it came home from the grocery store.
Love the “Work in Progress” Called You

Love the “Work in Progress” Called You

Appreciate and savor the work in progress you are. Sometimes we take leaps and bounds forward.
Learning the Difference between Lost and Wander

Learning the Difference between Lost and Wander

During yoga today, the instructor asked us to focus on a particular word for our morning practice. The word that came to my mind was lost.
Show Yourself the Compassion You Show Others

Show Yourself the Compassion You Show Others

Self-Care Reminder: Show yourself the compassion you show others. In the pace of the day-to-day, we are often focused outside of ourselves....
Infrastructures to Support Your Choice to Feel Good about Yourself

Infrastructures to Support Your Choice to Feel Good about Yourself

"I choose to feel good about myself each day. Every morning I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good. This is a new habit for me to cultivate."
May You Live

May You Live

There is a Chinese curse which says “May he live in interesting times.” Like it or not, we are living in interesting times, times of uncertainty;
Gardening and Metta Practice

Gardening and Metta Practice

The original name of the practice is metta bhavana. Metta means platonic love or kindness, and thus, ‘loving-kindness.’ The word bhavana means....